A Partnership to Grow Connections

A rapidly growing technology company who delivers high speed internet to rural and suburban communities needed a fiber diverse solution to provide transport to their customers until they could build out a larger network of their own. As longtime partners, WIN was happy to support the company’s efforts to build out home internet and fiber network in cities throughout Wisconsin.
Identifying a solution
The WIN sales and engineering teams worked together with the client’s engineers to determine a solution. The solution was dual 100G circuits that would provide transport to four service areas by the end of the year — until the client could build their network out to those areas. These circuits provided a fiber diverse solution with both route and electronic diversity, ensuring that if a fiber cut occurs, there would be resiliency in the network.
Navigating roadblocks
As WIN’s engineers were turning up one of the 100G circuits, a problem was encountered that prevented network transport to the client’s service locations. The engineering team navigated this roadblock by responding quickly to reengineer the circuit by redirecting network traffic.
When the end of year came, three out of the four services locations had 100G circuits up and running. Where WIN couldn’t turn up the 100Gs, due to supply chain issues, our engineers were able to turn up a 10G circuit so that the client could begin to provide some services to their customers. However, by the start of the new year, the final 100G circuit arrived. The client now has 100G circuits at all four service locations, connecting them to the rest of the client’s fiber network.
Benefits to the Client
Mitigate Risks
Route and electronic diversity for the new service locations ensures the network will stay up and running
Increased customer satisfaction
Through partnership with WIN, the client was able to offer all-fiber, high-speed internet to customers with limited or subpar internet options
Increased Revenue
The 100G circuits provided a cost-effective solution that allowed the client to expand its service offerings to more customers throughout the state